One hour before sunset


WELCOME: (If you have guests at your self-service)

We welcome all who come in peace and harmony to join us in celebrating the gift of life granted by God to all Creation.

GREETING: (If you have guests)

At this time we ask that all who attend extend to each other a warm greeting and sincere blessing in the name of God and His/Her many children of all nations, races, faiths, as well as on behalf of all of God’s creatures great and small which cannot speak for themselves.



Praise be to God for every breath we take,

Which gives us life.

Praise be to God for all Creatures great and small,

For they are our bothers and sisters.

Praise be to God for the gift of sight,

With which to wonder at the beauties of Creation.


“All praise be Yours my Lord, through all that you have made…”

For Brother Sun, and Sister Moon and Stars;

For Brothers Wind and Air,

For Sister Water and Brother Fire,

“All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth, our mother,

Who feeds us in her sovereignty…”

And feeds our bodies with her fruits,

And our souls, through Your Spirit, which lives within her.

(after the Canticle to Brother Sun: St. Francis of Assisi)


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

…where there is injury, pardon;

…where there is doubt, faith;

…where there is despair, hope;

…where there is darkness, light;

…where there is sadness, joy…

(from Peace Prayer of St. Francis)


At this time those who wish may pour themselves a cup of red-wine, pure fruit juice or spring water, along with a product made with grain, such as bread, or animal crackers.

Therefore may God give you

Of the dew of heaven,

Of the richness of the earth,

And an abundance of grain and wine.

Genesis 27:28


You may choose a "sermonette" from any of the websites at www.salvationnetwork.org.

DISCUSSION and PARTICIPATION (If there are guests)

At this time members and guests may, either discuss the Sermonette, recite their blessings to others, point out the beauties of Creation, read a short poem or a verse of Scripture.


(You may pray or meditate for as long as you wish but not for less than one minute.)

At this time members and guests (with the exception of God’s non-human creatures, which are encouraged to sing praises to their Creator at this time) are asked to observe one minute of silent prayer or meditation.

ANNOINTMENT (If there are guests)

Those who wish to dedicate their lives to serving God by attempting to bring peace, harmony, and joy to the world, and who will attempt to live their lives according to The Golden Rule of The New Millennium may come forward to be anointed as Deacons in The Universal Ethician Church. (visit www.goldenruleministries.org)

Ethician annointing oil consists of equal parts frankincense, myrrh, and oil of olive blossom. If unavailable, you may annoint with extra virgin olive oil or pure spring water.

Please e-mail the names and e-mail addresses of new members to info@self-services.org.


May the love of God for all Creation sustain us.

May the breath of God fill our lungs.

May the spirit of God fill our hearts.

May the essence of God fill our souls.

May the bounty of the earth nurture our bodies.

And in return,

May we show our thanks to God for our many blessings,

By our loving care of God’s most precious gift,

Of the marvelous tapestry,

Called “ Creation”,

Woven with precious strands,

Of stardust,

From which has evolved the intricate web of life,

Which sustains all creatures great and small,

On God’s most beautiful planet,


